Saturday, January 1, 2011

Friendships Lost

To hear the whimpers of the suspected. For they have committed a terrible crime. The screams that come from the exhausted mouths who try to prove not guilty.   No it’s never too late to change the heart of the convicted. Who don’t respect the people who lives are serene. Who simply waste their lives away drinking at taverns far from home.
Until it’s too late!
When a perfect man, woman, boy, girls’ life is taken. Their soul roaming freely like a butterfly that wafts in the blood stained air. Never, can a murderer forget the anger, hatred, malice, evil, sadness, anguish, misery, grief, agony, pain: that speaks on the face of the lost. To see death placed on a table for everyone to see. A person left without their mother, father, sister, brother. Their souls too, damaged from the hole that has replaced the love to sadness and despair.  Is it simply too late to desire anything better after causing the unforgettable accident?
Just one stupid mistake. The carelessness of driving. The responsibility behind the wheel.
Totally forgotten. Senses overtaken.
The red light, screeching brakes, the car. Seconds feel like minutes.
 Shattered glass, tangled mess of metal, fire, smoke, pedestrian screams, burning rubber,
blood spattered seats. The smell of bear lingering in the air.     
The culprit filled with regret.
The hardened shell covering reality.  Waiting desperately for his friend to awaken. Realizing its all over.
Too often does this occur in the world. Desire for more until it’s out of reach. What humans would do, to get it all. Realizing what they really want in their heart is what they’ve already got.   
But it’s too late! The families hatred is eating away at the chance of ever being free again and seeing the outside world. Before entering the concrete cell all one can say is…
I’m sorry!
But it’s not enough.

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